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Lux Voice Portal

We've all got a VOICE STORY


The KEY is how we USE it



The Biggest Shifts happen in the Simplest Ways.


The Body. The Breath. The Voice.


Those who have been through our Voice Portal & Recording Rituals know.

Will You Join The Family?



The VOICE is the VESSEL 


Dive deep into the MECHANICS of your voice and BE the instrument.  Unlock the 8 Voice Keys including Channelling, Frequency Mapping, Spirit Singing, Voice Therapeutics, Somatic Sound & Professional Singing Techniques that get you there.



šŸ‘‰ Q: Do I have to be a SINGER to come?


A: Everyone has a Voice. If you speak, you belong here. Our Voice is SO much more than just singing. The day is carefully curated with warm-up techniques & Somatic Sound practices to help you identify your unique Vocal Fingerprint & use your Voice however fits your lifestyle.


šŸ‘‰ Q: Do I have to perform in front of people?


A: YOU get to decide your edge & what you want to lean into. What ever feels most comfortable for you is the right thing. TRUST. Lean in. How YOU wish to brand your Energy and Message to the world is part of your Self Discovery today.  You will get LOADS of value in this no matter what!


šŸ‘‰ Q: Do I need to dress up?


A: Be You! You will need you comfy clothes for the workshops on the day, your bathers for the bathhouse, and your outfit for the stage to create your Vocal content. Remember - this get's to BE FUN!


šŸ‘‰ Q: Will any one else see my photo's / footage?


A: We upload any personal content into a private folder just for you. We will not edit it in any way - yet - you will be guided with tips & tricks for editing. We believe in empowering you to learn the skills to take into your future.




It usually costs hundreds of dollars to get great branding content & footage.  THIS WAY we get to do it in a group that becomes family. We'll set up the lighting, the space, prime you & your voice for magic, and YOU get to allow the magic to shine through. If that means holding powerful space & being silent whilst holding a pose that reflects your strength, or if it means letting your vocal channel out in full force - it'll be perfect on the day!


Let's Get It !

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